In order to strengthen its links with the wider public interested in the Islamic written heritage, the manuscript Centre organises public lectures in various topics, presented by scholars and experts in the field.
Among these lectures are:
The Fihrist of Ibn al-Nadīm and the Transmission of Knowledge in the Islamic World
The Critical Edition of Manuscripts between Text Verification and Commentary
The Role and Originality of Late Arabic Scientific Commentaries
The Arabic Manuscripts in North Africa and sub-Saharan
The Manuscripts of Timbuktu and Islamic Writing in West Africa: from the veneration of objects to the object of their veneration
The Critical Edition of Manuscripts; Past, Present and Future
Islamic Manuscripts Studies for the 21st Century
Views on Ibn Khaldoun’s book Kitab al-Ibar wa Diwan al-Mubtadai wa al-Khabar
Al-Maqrīzī and His book Al-Mawā‘ iż wa al-I‘tibār.
Shaping the Book: Qur’anic Calligraphy under the Ummayyads and the Abbasids