Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you have manuscripts in Al-Furqan?
A: Al-Furqan does not hold any manuscripts on its premises. Its main focus is not the collection of manuscripts, but rather the surveying and cataloguing of the Islamic manuscripts all over the world.
Q: Do you have a Library and can I have access to it?
A: Al-Furqan has a rich reference library. To-date the Library has collected about 30,000 volumes. The major subjects covered are Qur’anic studies, Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic theology, philosophy, science, medicine, history, geography, architecture, arts, literature, written in the major Islamic languages including Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu, Swahili, Gujarati, as well as Russian and European languages. The Library collection includes multilingual dictionaries, Arabic biographical dictionaries and encyclopaedia, covering the classical period to the present time.
Moreover, the Library’s collections include over 15,000 printed Islamic manuscript catalogues from over 70 countries.
The library’s holdings are arranged and organised according to the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) for ease of use, while its collection catalogues of Islamic manuscripts is classified by country.
The researchers and students are welcome to use the facilities provided by our reference Library. Scholars and students interested in using the Library should apply to the Foundation in writing.
Library opening hours: Monday to Friday: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Q: Can I borrow books from the Library?
A: Al-Furqan does allow access to its Library, but it does not lend books.
Q: Do you publish and sell books?
A: Al-Furqan has so far published around 200 titles in different fields of Islamic heritage. Our publications can be purchased from our website, from Amazon, as well as in some stores and book fairs.
Q: Do you ship everywhere?
A: We ship the purchased books anywhere.