The Manuscript Centre organises various regional and international events to encourage the study and research within the field of Islamic manuscripts.
The events of the Centre include: conferences, symposia, training courses and lectures on Islamic manuscripts (see the navigation menu).
Most of these events are also documented and their proceedings are published.
Arabic Codicology: The Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection
Vestiges of Dissolved Libraries: Tracing Damascene Manuscripts
Science and Engineering in the Islamic Heritage
Arabic Codicology: The Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection
Editing Manuscripts of Qurʾānic sciences: Fundamentals, Basics and Problems
Introduction to Manuscript Editing
Editing Manuscripts on Literature and Language
Qur’an Palaeography and the Fragments of the University of Birmingham
Arabic Codicology: The Islamic Handwritten Tradition and its Reception in the El Escorial Collection
The Fihrist of Ibn al-Nadīm and the Transmission of Knowledge in the Islamic World