In addition to the events organised by its three centres, and in order to encourage studies and interest in other aspects of the Islamic culture, civilisation and heritage, Al-Furqan organises events related to these spheres.
These events include: symposia, lectures, exhibitions and book fairs (see the navigation menu).
Most of these events are also documented and published.
Sharjah Book Fair
Tales of the Alhambra: Architecture, Poetry and Meaning in XIVth Century Granada
The Sultan Hasan Mosque in Cairo: a psychological matter
Carpets, Corporations and Corruption: How the East India Company Shaped the Modern World
Islamic Art in Norman Sicily
Islamic Art in Norman Sicily
Representing the East: Islamic Imagery in Western Art and Design
Diet and Health in 9th Century Baghdad
John Frederick Lewis and Islamic Culture: Reflection or Distortion?
Terrorism: Its Roots, Types and Remedies