World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts

By Various ContributorsEdited by Geoffrey Roper
SKU: 100134 Categories: , , Date: 1992-1994Language: EnglishEdition: 1ISBN: 9781873992043Format: HardbackNo. of Volumes: 4No. of Pages: 2522Weight: 5.423kg


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This series, which is made up of four volumes, is a comprehensive survey of the collections of Islamic manuscripts in the world and the ways to arrive at them. The review includes 105 countries.
This encyclopaedic work is the product of a number of specialists in the field who are aware of the physical locations of manuscripts around the world. This is a compilation of detailed, independent studies on the number of manuscripts and the languages in which they are written, including Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and Swahili. Locations of manuscripts in public or private libraries are also listed. The study also includes published catalogues of collections and the titles of the catalogues which have been compiled but which have not yet been issued by their libraries. Titles of rare manuscripts discovered amongst these collections are also included.
The review was widened to include post-soviet countries and the former Yugoslavia, as well as countries whose manuscripts have recently become known for the first time, especially in Africa.
The broader review also comprises a list of languages, notables and names of collections, libraries and titles.


المخطوطات الإسلامية في العالم - النسخة الإنجليزية - الجزء الأول
World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts - English version (vol.I)
Editorial note
Afghanistan, by Ahmed Javid
Albania, by Gazmend Shpuza
Armenia, by Oleg Akimushkin
Austria, by Herbert Eisenstein
Azerbaijan, by Oleg Akimushkin
Bahrain, by Bakri Musa Abdul karim
Bangladesh, by Muhammad Abdul Haq
Belarus, by Oleg Akimushkin
Belgium, by Aubert Martin
Benin, by Amidu Sanni
Bosnia-Herzegovina, by Muhamed Ždralović
Brazil, by Roberto Bartholo
Brunei, by Osman Bakar & Engku Ibrahim Ismail
Bulgaria, by Stoyanka Kenderova
Cameroon, by Peter Chateh
Canada, by Yusuf Ibish
Croatia, by Muhamed Ždralović
Cyprus, by Hadi Sharifi
Czechoslovakia, by Jakub Karfik
Denmark, by Ellen Wulff
Egypt, by Dār al-Kutub al- Mişrīya
Estonia, by Oleg Akimushkin
Finland, by Kaj Öhrnberg
France, by Annie Berthier & Francis Richard
Georgia, by Oleg Akimushkin
Germany, by Anton Heinen
Ghana, by B A R Braimah
Greece, by Hassan Badawy
Hungary, by Alexander Fodor
India, by M S Khan
Indonesia, by Osman Bakar & Engku Ibrahim Ismail
Iran, by Hadi Sharifi
Index of Languages
Index of Names

المخطوطات الإسلامية في العالم - النسخة الإنجليزية - الجزء الثاني
World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts - English version (vol.II)

Iraq, by Usāma Nāşir al-Naqshabandī
Republic of Ireland, by Jan Knappert and David James
Italy, by Paola Orsatti, Bartolomeo Pirone and Aldo Gallotta
Ivory Coast, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Japan, by Toru Horikawa and others
Jordan, by Ismail ʿAmirah
Kazakhstan, by Oleg F. Akimushkin and Anas B. Khalidov
Kenya, by Ahmad Shaykh Nabhany, Yahya Ali Omar and David Colton Sperling
Kuwait, by Elham al-Mufti
Kyrgyzstan, by Anas B. Khalidov
Latvia, by Oleg F. Akimushkin
Lebanon, by Yusuf K. Khoury, with additional material by G.J. Roper
Lithuania, by Hadi Sharifi
Macedonia, by Muhamed Ždralović
Madagascar, by Hamid Haji
Malawi, by Augustine Msiska
Malaysia, by Osman Bakar and Engku Ibrahim Ismail
Mali, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Malta, by Hadi Sharifi
Morocco, by Al-Mustafa Ben Abd Allah Boushouk
The Netherlands, by Jan Just Witkam
New Zealand
Niger, by Djibrill Abu Bakr
Nigeria, by Abdur Rahman I. Doi
Norway, by Elie Dib Wardini
Oman, by Bakri Musa Abdul Karim
Pakistan, by Muhammad Suheyl ʿUmar
Palestine, by Lawrence Conrad and Khader I. Salameh
Poland, by Janusz Danecki
Portugal, by Adel Yussef Sidarus
Qatar, by Bakri Musa Abdul Karim
Romania, by Nadia Anghelescu
Russian Federation, by Oleg F. Akimushkin, with additional material by A. B. Khalidov and G.J. Roper
Index of Languages
Index of Names

NB: Surveys of Libya, Muritania and the Philippines will be found in Volume Three.

المخطوطات الإسلامية في العالم - النسخة الإنجليزية - الجزء الثالث
World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts - English version (vol.III)
Saudi Arabia, by Abd Allāh ʿUsaylān
Senegal, by Ousmane Kane
Sierra Leone, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Singapore, compiled by G.J. Roper
Somalia, by R.S. OʼFahey
South Africa, by Muhamed Haron
Spain, by Nuria T͘orres
Sri Lanka, by K.M.M. Sheriff
Sudan, by Abu Agla El Hussein Abu Agla, Albrecht Hofheinz and R.S. O'Fahey
Sweden, by Bo Utas
Switzerland, by Faïka B. Croisier
Syria, by Yassin Muhammed as-Sawwas
Tajikistan, by Oleg Akimushkin, with additional material by A.B. Khalidov
Tanzania, by Hamad Omar and T.S.Y. Sengo
Thailand, by Osman Bakar and Engku Ibrahim Ismail
Togo, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Tunisia, by Ibrāhīm Shabbūḥ
Turkey, by Orhan Bilgin
Turkmenistan, by Oleg Akimushkin, with additional material by A.B. Khalidov
Ukraine, by Oleg Akimushkin, with additional material by A.B. Khalidov
United Arab Emirates, by Bakri Musa Abdul Karim
United Kingdom, by G.J. Roper and C.H. Bleaney
United States of America, by Yusuf Ibish
Uzbekistan, by Oleg Akimushkin, with additional material by A.B. Khalidov
Vatican City State, by Anton Heinen
Yemen, by Abd al-Wahhāb ʿAlī al-Muʾayyad
Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro), by Muhamed Ždralović
Index of Languages
Index of Names

المخطوطات الإسلامية في العالم - النسخة الإنجليزية - الجزء الرابع
World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts - English version (vol.IV)
Editorial note
Algeria, by Mukhtāh Ḥassānī
Australia, compiled by G.J. Roper
Burkina Faso, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Chad, by Khalil Alio
China, by Mozafar Bakhtyar
Comoros, by Ahmad Shaykh Nabhany and David C. Sperling
Ethiopia, by Hussein Ahmed
France (addenda)
Gambia, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Germany (addenda)
Guinea, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Guinea-Bissau, by Baba Yunus Muhammad
India (addenda & corrigenda)
Indonesia, by Roger Tol
Iraq (addenda), by Usāma Nāşir al-Naqshabandī
Ireland (corrigenda & addenda)
Libya, by F.M. Shambesh
Mauritania, by Geneviève Simon-Khedis
Nigeria (addenda & corrigenda), by Baba Yunus Muhammad
Palestine (corrigenda)
Philippines, by Osman Bakar and Engku Ibrahim Ismail
Index of Languages, Volumes I - IV
Index of Names, Volumes I-IV
Index of Titles of Collections, Volumes I - IV


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Weight 5.423 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 18 cm








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Edited by Geoffrey Roper