The first part of this introductory volume outlines the subject-matter of the book, the author’s biography, his works, the methodology used in the production of the book Al-Mawāʿiẓ, the approximate date of its coming out, the problems that were raised over al-Maqrīzī’s plagiarism in the book as well as the responses to them, the sources of the book, al-Maqrīzī’s hand-written copies that reached us, whether comprising his rough copies, his notebooks, his works, other authors’ works of which he wrote copies, a study on the copies of the book and their locations across the world, the previous editions of the book, a codicological description of the copies accredited in publishing, and finally the method used for the production of the present edition.
The second part revolves around a study of the Egyptian capital at al-Maqrīzī’s time, the development of its architectural styles and their application to university mosques, schools, districts and to the style of all the other monuments.
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