Maqāṣid Rules

By Ahmed al-Raissouni
(0 customer reviews)
SKU: 101200 Categories: , Date: 2019Language: ArabicEdition: 1ISBN: 9781788145053Format: eBook, HardbackNo. of Pages: 615Weight: 1.095kg


The book, Maqāṣid Rules, draws attention to a vital matter, in that Islamic law objectives and their universal significances are not mere loose generalities, open to interpretation, colouring, and shaping in any way, and made to fit whatever trend or mood is prevailing. Rather, Islamic law objectives are crystal clear and permanent, governed by principles and rules that are a combination of the robustness befitting objectives, with the flexibility warranted in application.
The book discusses eighty rules governing Islamic law objectives; the author presents each rule’s context, definition, explanation, and evidences. He then concludes by elucidating the rule through illustrative applied examples, addressing contemporary reality and its actual challenges, extracted from the Noble Qur’ān or Prophetic Sunnah.
This book is perhaps the best answer to the fears expressed in some quarters regarding the increasing use of Islamic law objectives in rational theorising and creative juristic effort. The author has mostly evidenced from the text of the Noble Qur’ān and Prophetic Sunnah, and then referred to the work of leading Imāms and erudite scholars, whether in deriving rules or their jurisprudence. In this way, he provides a methodological example in the implementation of objectives; one distinguished by originality and balance, and exploring the horizons of renewal and creative juristic effort.


تقديم الشيخ أحمد زكي يماني

مقدمة الكتاب

الباب الأول: قواعد المصالح ومكانتها في مقاصد الشريعة

الباب الثاني: قواعد في التزكية والصلاح الإنساني

الباب الثالث: قواعد في السياسة الشرعية

الباب الرابع: قواعد الموازنة والترجيح بين المصالح

الباب الخامس: قواعد في المشقة والتيسير

الباب السادس: قواعد الوسائل

الباب السابع: قواعد مقاصد المكلفين

الباب الثامن: قواعد الاجتهاد المقاصدي

الباب التاسع: قواعد الكشف عن المقاصد 

قائمة المصادر والمراجع 

كشاف المصطلحات

كشاف العناوين 

كشاف المؤلفين


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Additional information

Weight 1.095 kg
Dimensions 24.6 × 17.4 × 3.4 cm
Book Author

By Ahmed al-Raissouni




eBook, Hardback

Item Type








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