Religion & Civilisation: Protection of Civilisation

An Objective of Religion

By Various ContributorsEdited by Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation
SKU: 101153 Categories: , Date: 2018Language: ArabicEdition: 1ISBN: 9781788147156Format: eBook, HardbackNo. of Volumes: 1No. of Pages: 488Weight: 0.872kg




This book is fruit of the proceedings of the international conference held in Istanbul, titled “Religion & Civilisation: Protection of Civilisation as a Purpose of Religion”, co-organised by the Centre for the Philosophy of Islamic Law at Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation, İbn Haldun University, and the Alliance of Civilisations Institute. The conference aimed to bring the topic of protection of civilisation as an Islamic law objective into the spotlight, and how it may be applied in addressing contemporary reality and its rapid changes.
An eminent assembly of erudite scholars, well-versed in objectives-based jurisprudence and its application participated in the conference, ensuring it was well-grounded and in harmony with reality and current requirements in the different domains of civilisation, through linking to textual evidence (ta’ṣīl), application (tanzīl) and methodology. The academic papers revolved around the following topics: the objective of civilizational development (‘umrān): a critical scientific view; the role of religion in achieving social ʿumrān; the role of society in building ʿumrān; the objective of preserving ʿumrān and in the etiquettes and rulings of government and Islamic law-based governance; the objective of preserving ʿumrān and good governance; the movement of civilisational cycles and the network of general laws affecting it: A methodological, Qurʾānic and objective-based approach; and the Qur’ānic discourse and the human project: a rightly-guided, value-based reading.



أحمد زكي يماني

مقصد العمران الحضاري: رؤية علمية نقدية

مسفر بن علي القحطاني

مقاصد العمران: أسئلة في المنهج:

مازن موفق هاشم

دور الدين في تحقيق العمران الاجتماعي:

بدان مسعود بن لحسن

دور المجتمع في بناء العمران مقصداً شرعياً:

عبد المجيد النجار

مقصدُ حفظِ العمرانِ في الآدابِ والأحكامِ السلطانيةِ والسياسةِ الشرعيةِ:

إبراهيم البيومي غانم

مقصد حفظ العمران والحكم الراشد:

سيف الدين عبد الفتاح

حركة المداولة الحضارية وشبكة القوانين الكلية المؤثِّرة فيها: منظور سنني قرآني مقاصدي:

الطيب برغوث

النسق القرآني ومشروع الإنسان قراءة قيمية راشدة:

جاسم سلطان


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Weight 0.872 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 3 cm



eBook, Hardback





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Edited by Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation



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