“The Objectives of Arts in Islam” was the title of the symposium organised by Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation - Centre for the Study of the Philosophy of Islamic Law, in co-operation with the Research Centre for Islamic Legislation and Ethics.

The symposium took place on 12th December 2012 at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Doha - Qatar and included distinguished scholars in the field of maqāṣid, such as: Dr Issam al-Bashir, Dr. Mohammed Kamal Imam, Dr Ibrahim Bayoumi Ghanem, Dr Jaser Auda and Sheikh Issam Tleima.
After a short reception, the symposium started with a presentation of Al-Furqān and its activities, with an emphasis on the work and activities of the Centre for the Study of the Philosophy of Islamic Law (Maqāṣid Centre), presented by Mr Sali Shahsivari, the Managing Director of Al-Furqān. This was followed by another presentation on the work and the activities of the Research Centre for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, presented by Dr Jaser Audah, the Vice-Director of the Centre.The first session of the symposium included papers on the theoretical side of the topic, as following:
- The Reality of the Beauty and the Art and Their Relationship to Islam – in the Light of the Theory of the Objectives/Purposes, by Professor Issam al-Bashir
- Art and Its Relationship to the Objectives of Sharīʿah – in the Light of the Theory of the Objectives/Purposes, by Professor Mohammed Kamal Imam
- What is the ‘Islamic’ Art? - in the Light of the Theory of the Objectives/Purposes, by Dr Jaser Audah
The second session addressed practical issues related to the topic of the symposium, such as:
- Artefacts and Fine Arts in the Light of the Theory of the Objectives/Purposes, by Dr Ibrahim al-Bayoumi Ghanem
- Arts in the Light of the Theory of Objectives/Purposes – the Theatre as an Example, by Sheikh Isam Tleima

Both sessions were followed by many questions and an interesting debate on the topics raised.