Visit by the delegation from the Foundation for Science Culture and Education (İLKE), Turkey

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9 February 2022

On Wednesday 9 February 2022, the Managing Director of Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation, Mr Sali Shahsivari, and the working team at Al-Furqān, welcomed the esteemed delegation from the Foundation for Science, Culture, and Education (İLKE) based in Üsküdar, Istanbul, Turkey.  

The delegation included Prof. Dr. Lütfi Sunar (Chairman of the Executive Board of ILKE Foundation), Prof. Dr. Nihat Erdoğmuş (Chairman of the Board of Trustees of İLKE Foundation), Mr Davut Şanver (Member of the Board of Trustees of İLKE Foundation), and Mr Ahsan Shafique (International Outreach Executive at İLKE Foundation).

The Chairman of the İLKE delegation thanked the Foundation’s Managing Director and staff for their warm reception and generous hospitality. He added that the principal purpose of the visit was to introduce İLKE, who shares similar values and interests as Al-Furqan, and expressed his wishes in establishing cooperation and relations between the two organisations, as well as benefitting from the successful and pioneering research and academic endeavours of Al-Furqān Foundation in the area of protecting the written Islamic heritage.

During the introductory session of the meeting, the Managing Director, Mr Sali Shahsivari, invited the esteemed guests to a video presentation, which was followed by Mr Shahsivari giving a brief overview of the role played by Al-Furqān Foundation.

In turn, Prof. Dr. Lütfi Sunar gave an overview about their organisation, the Foundation for Science Culture and Education (İLKE), explaining how it is fundamentally a large umbrella for three self-operating organisations, namely: Scientific Studies Association (İLEM), Informal Education and Culture Association (YEKDER), and Turkish Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics Association (İGİAD); as well as two research centres, i.e.: Research Center for Islamic Economics (İKAM), and Corporate Governance Academy (KYA).  

Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Lütfi Sunar gave a brief historical background about İLKE and its founding fathers, highlighting that İLKE was established with the purpose of keeping Islamic and humane values alive by being instrumental in promoting them. He followed his introduction by giving an overview of the most important projects and activities currently underway, emphasising the role of İLKE and its core values.   

The discussion moved from both parties on emphasizing how both parties are interested in working together due to various common and shared work areas; highlighting ways and terms in which to develop joint projects and initiatives that would establish and open new horizons in working to protect and enhance the Islamic heritage.

At the end of the visit, the İLKE delegation Chairman and Al-Furqān Foundation Managing Director exchanged symbolic gifts, and marked the occasion by taking a group photograph.

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