Al-‘Aẓīmī al-Ḥalabī’s book is considered the quintessential jewel of works on the history of Aleppo and the Northern Levant. It is one of the rare sources on which later historians depended. This is because it collated information not found in other texts, especially those dedicated to Aleppo and the conflicts witnessed in the region.
The book is also exemplary in exclusively reporting numerous events, such as Muslim-Byzantine and Muslim-Crusader clashes, and the names of leaders and commanders, and the finer details of life in Aleppo.
Subsequent historians, such as Ibn al-‘Adīm depended greatly on the information provided by Al-‘Aẓīmī al-Ḥalabī, which makes him the principal source for any study of Aleppo’s history.
Al-‘Aẓīmī’s close relationships with Aleppo’s governors and leaders contributed to him acquiring precise facts on events, which greatly amplified the value of his book.
In addition, Al-‘Aẓīmī al-Ḥalabī’s book represents the link between past and later historians of Aleppo, making it an important reference in the examination of the Aleppo school of history, and its methods.
The book is also considered a historical treasure, as it has preserved for us considerable information on the history of Aleppo and the Northern Levant, and the perspective of the people of the region on historical events.
In summary, Al-‘Aẓīmī al-Ḥalabī’s book is considered one of the most significant sources—indispensable for the study of the history of Aleppo and the Northern Levant—given its exceptional content of exclusive, accurate information, as well as being a principal reference for later historians.
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