Al-Tamhīd limā fī al-Muwaṭṭaʾ min al-Maʿānī al-Asānīd

(commentary on al-Muwaṭṭaʾ)

By Abū ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-Barr, al-Namarī al-Qurṭubī (1071 CE / 463 AH)Critically edited by Bashar Awad Marouf
SKU: 101243 Categories: , Date: 2024Language: ArabicEdition: 3ISBN: 9781788145855Format: HardbackNo. of Volumes: 17No. of Pages: 10060Weight: 18kg


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This book is regarded as one of the most renowned explanatory texts of al-Muwaṭṭa’—magna opus of Mālik b. Anas al-Aṣbaḥī al-Madānī, the pre-eminent Imām of Madinah. Indeed, this elucidation is regarded as offering the broadest treatment to the highest standard with the richest detail, and as such is the most acclaimed commentary on the text. The author unveiled complex gems hitherto neglected by jurists, having unlocked and unravelled their mysteries, through insightful thought and incisive mind. Not only is al-Tamhīd one of the greatest texts on comparative jurisprudence (fiqh) in all its doctrinal schools, but also a book on Prophetic traditions (ḥadīth), the science of grading narrators (al-jarḥ wa al-ta‘dīl), history and biographies. Indeed, it sheds light on narrators, with successful forays into language, literature, and other disciplines.
The reader of al-Tamhīd will no doubt find an indispensable scientific encyclopaedia, and attest to its premier place among texts on Islam.
Its author, al-Imām al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr al-Andalusī, requires no introduction. He spent a large part of his life gathering the content for al-Tamhīd, preparing its chapters and studies, and referring to hundreds of sources in the areas of jurisprudence, prophetic tradition, language, history, and biographies.

About the Author(s)

Professor Bashar Awad Marouf

Bashar Awad Marouf was born on 4 September 1940 in Alazamiyah, Baghdad, where he attended primary and secondary school. He graduated from the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts in 1964, followed by a Masters in 1967, and then a PhD in 1976 from Baghdad University, receiving his professorship in 1981.

Professor Marouf taught at the Faculty of Sharī‘ah, Baghdad University, from 1967 to 1970, then the Faculty of Arts from 1970 to 1988. He then founded and headed the Islamic University in Baghdad from 1989 to 1992. In late 1992, he moved to Jordan, and in the period 1992 to 2012, taught at Amman University, Al-Balqa Applied University, the World Islamic Sciences and Education University, and the Jordanian University. Subsequently, he served as adviser to HRH Prince Ali bin Nayef Al-Hashemi in the Hashemite Royal Court from 2012 to 2017.

Professor Marouf was elected as member of a number of distinguished bodies, namely the Iraqi Science Academy (al-Majma‘ al-‘Ilmī al-‘Irāqī) in 1985, the Jordanian Arabic Language Academy (Majma‘ al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah al-Urdunī) in 1988, the Royal Academy (al-Majma‘ al-Malakī) in 1988, and the Arabic Language Academy in Damascus (Majma‘ al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah bi Dimashq) in 2002. Professor Marouf has also been garlanded with numerous prizes and awards, most recently, the international King Faisal Prize in Islamic Studies for 2018CE/1439AH.

He has authored numerous books, 18 titles in total—most prominently, “the Classified and Verified Musnad (al-Musnad al-muṣanaf al-mu‘allal)” comprising 41 volumes, and critically edited 38 books, adding up to more than 230 volumes.


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Additional information

Weight 18 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 51 cm










Publication Date


No. of Volumes


Book Editor

Critically edited by Bashar Awad Marouf

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