Objectives of Islamic Law in The light of the Noble Prophetic Sunnah (3)

By Various ContributorsEdited by Esam Ahmed El-Bashir


SKU: 101215 Categories: , Date: 2022Language: ArabicEdition: 1ISBN: 9781788145633Format: HardbackNo. of Pages: 344Weight: 0.679kg


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Within this book, the reader will find scientific papers relating to the proceedings of the third scientific course on “The Objectives of Islamic Law in Light of the Noble Prophetic Sunnah from the Perspective of Capacities (maqāmāt) of Prophetic Actions (taṣarrufāt)”. This was the culmination of the two previous courses on the same topic, organised by the Centre for Study of the Philosophy of Islamic Law at Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation.

This scientific course aimed to lay the foundation for sound understanding and assimilation of the Prophetic Sunnah’s objectives from the perspective of capacities of Prophetic actions. Such an undertaking is the preserve of erudite scholars, with extensive experience in the objectives discipline, through theorising, inductive reasoning (al-istiqrā’), and fitting to novel cases (tanzīl). Indeed, attempting to understand Islamic legal rulings and objectives without referencing Prophetic actions and capacities is a path to error. The training course also aimed to draw inspiration from the Noble Prophetic Sunnah, in finding solutions to flawed aspects in religious practice, and the negative effects in civilising endeavours, especially in our contemporary times. Moreover, the training course was important in facilitating communication between students of knowledge and scholars, enabling them to engage in sound consideration of novel developments of the times.

In this book, the esteemed reader will find valuable refereed academic papers authored by scholars specialising in the Islamic law objectives field, representing novel contributions to the scientific and knowledge domain, and characterised by renewal, novel contribution, deep consideration, sound opinion, fine thinking, and robust methodology. The papers encompassed the objectives of Prophetic actions in the capacity of leader (imām), and distinguishing such capacities and their objectives in Prophetic fatwas, adjudication (qaḍā’), and reconciliation (ṣulḥ). Furthermore, touching upon the transcendent aim of Prophetic actions in perfecting selves through referring to principal sources and discerning the objectives, and including summaries of four contemporary books on the Prophetic Sunnah and its objectives.


فهرس المحتويات

تقديم شرف أحمد زكي يماني


عصام أحمد البشير

مقاصد التَّصرُّفات النَّبویّة بالإمامة

عصام أحمد البشير1

تعقيب محمّد غورماز

التمييز بين مقامات التصرفات النبوية: مشروعيته ومقاصده: قراءة في ضوء أقوال النبي ﷺ وأفعاله وفهم الصحابة وتصرفاتهم

وصفي عاشور أبو زيد41

تعقيب محمّد عوام

الفتاوى النَّبويّة: الأوصاف والمقاصد

محمّد اصبيحي85

تعقيب ونيس المبروك

المقاصد المستنبطة من تصرُّفات النبي الكريم ﷺ في القضاء والصلْح

فَهْد بن سَعْد الزايدي الجُهني

تعقيب مولاي المصطفى الهند

تكميل النُّفوس في السُّنّة النَّبويّة: تأصيلًا وتقصيدًا

الحسّان شهيد187

تعقيب الحسين الموس

السُّنّة النَّبويّة في ثلاثة كتب معاصرة «السُّنّة النَّبويّة بين أهل الفقه وأهل الحديث»، للغزالي، «كيف نتعامل مع السُّنّة النَّبويّة؟» للقرضاوي، «إشكاليّة التعامل مع السُّنّة النَّبويّة»، لطه جابر العلواني

عصام تليمة249

ملخّص كتاب: مقاصد الشريعة في السُّنّة النَّبويّة

سعد عبد الرّحمن فرج الكبيسي283


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Weight 0.679 kg
Dimensions 24.5 × 17 × 2 cm
Book Author

By Various Contributors





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Book Editor

Edited by Esam Ahmed El-Bashir



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