The Critical Edition of Manuscripts between Text Verification and Commentary

By Bashar Awwad Marouf
SKU: 101029 Categories: , Date: 2015Language: ArabicEdition: 1ISBN: 9781905122646Format: PaperbackNo. of Volumes: 1No. of Pages: 61Weight: 0.087kg


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In his lecture, Dr Bashar Awwad Marouf explains the concept of critical edition of texts as a discipline, aimed at the production of a text as left by the author, and of which he approved at the end of his life. He then explored the view that the aim of critical edition is the production of a correct text without the need for any commentary, only emendation. He then addressed the contrasting view that considers commentary as essential, and indeed, some workers went to the extreme by saying: [the editor must] comment on everything. Our lecturer explained the error of both views, and summed up with the correct intermediate way, where the editor compares and grades the text copies, records the key reading variants, highlights the resources used by the author, and documents the quotes from the respective sources. In this lecture, Dr Bashar also debated the view postulating that critical edition is exclusively when there are several copies to allow collation, which in his view is not correct. He highlighted those books that had been critically edited - based on one copy - by eminent scholars and editors, such as Shaykh Aḥmad Shākir and his brother, Maḥmūd Shākir, where no researcher has ever claimed that such works are not critical editions.

Furthermore, he explained in detail the difference between critical editing and commentary; critical editing being text emendation, and employing the means towards achieving that, while commentary describes how the editor may actually emend the text.


تصدير: معالي الشيخ أحمد زكي يماني

توطئة: بين التحقيق والتعليق

المبحث الأول: تحقيق النص الفقهي وضبطه:

أولاً: توحيد الانتساخ

ثانيًا: تنظيم مادة النص

ثالثًا: المقابلة بين النسخ والتعليل عند الترجيح

رابعًا: الإشارة إلى موارد النص

خامسًا: مقابلة النص بمن اقتبس منه

سادسًا: ضبط ما يلتبس من النص بالحركات

سابعًا: تلبية رغبات المؤلف

المبحث الثاني: التعليق على النص بما يُعين المستفيد منه:

أولاً: تخريج التراجم

ثانيًا: التعريف بالمبهم والمغمور

ثالثًا: تخريج الحديث النبوي الشريف والحكم عليه

رابعًا شرح المصطلحات والغريب

خامسً: نقد النص

About the Author(s)

Professor Bashar Awad Marouf

Bashar Awad Marouf was born on 4 September 1940 in Alazamiyah, Baghdad, where he attended primary and secondary school. He graduated from the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts in 1964, followed by a Masters in 1967, and then a PhD in 1976 from Baghdad University, receiving his professorship in 1981.

Professor Marouf taught at the Faculty of Sharī‘ah, Baghdad University, from 1967 to 1970, then the Faculty of Arts from 1970 to 1988. He then founded and headed the Islamic University in Baghdad from 1989 to 1992. In late 1992, he moved to Jordan, and in the period 1992 to 2012, taught at Amman University, Al-Balqa Applied University, the World Islamic Sciences and Education University, and the Jordanian University. Subsequently, he served as adviser to HRH Prince Ali bin Nayef Al-Hashemi in the Hashemite Royal Court from 2012 to 2017.

Professor Marouf was elected as member of a number of distinguished bodies, namely the Iraqi Science Academy (al-Majma‘ al-‘Ilmī al-‘Irāqī) in 1985, the Jordanian Arabic Language Academy (Majma‘ al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah al-Urdunī) in 1988, the Royal Academy (al-Majma‘ al-Malakī) in 1988, and the Arabic Language Academy in Damascus (Majma‘ al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah bi Dimashq) in 2002. Professor Marouf has also been garlanded with numerous prizes and awards, most recently, the international King Faisal Prize in Islamic Studies for 2018CE/1439AH.

He has authored numerous books, 18 titles in total—most prominently, “the Classified and Verified Musnad (al-Musnad al-muṣanaf al-mu‘allal)” comprising 41 volumes, and critically edited 38 books, adding up to more than 230 volumes.


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Weight 0.087 kg
Dimensions 20 × 14 × 0.5 cm








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