The Necessity to Renew Islamic Thought and the Most Important Mechanisms

By Ahmad Zaki Yamani
SKU: 101038 Categories: , Date: 2016Language: ArabicEdition: 2ISBN: 9781905650088Format: eBook, PaperbackNo. of Volumes: 1No. of Pages: 36Weight: 0.057kg


His Excellency Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani presents his ideas on the importance of renewal (tajdīd) of Islamic thought. The author emphasises how this renewal must encompass all areas of Islamic law-making, jurisprudence, transactions, the science of interpretation of the holy scriptures (tafsīr) as well as the theories on methods of thought. The author points out that most of such shortcomings come in the form of ideas covered in a shroud of Islamic references and justifications. One such idea is the claim by some persons to using the methodology employed by the Salaf (first three Muslim generations). Shaykh Yamani describes how if one were able to extract these erroneous views from Islamic thought, it would then be possible to start off its “modernisation”. He also indicates that the renewal of Islamic jurisprudence has its own particular tools such as the jurisprudence of priorities and the other major rules of jurisprudence.


ضرورة تجديد الفكر الإسلامي وأهم آلياته


المخاطر التي تحيط بأمة الإسلام

الخطر الداخلي الحقيقي الذي تعيشه الأمة

أهم متطلبات تجديد الفكر الإسلامي

الفرق بين الشريعة الإسلامية والفقه الإسلامي

حاجة الأمة إلى اجتهاد جديد

آليات تجديد الفقه

فقهاء المقاصد وفقهاء النصوص

اهتمام الصحابة رضي الله عنهم بمقاصد الشريعة

عناية فقهاء مذاهب السنة بمقاصد الشريعة

أقسام مقاصد الشريعة

About the Author(s)

Ahmed Zaki Yamani

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani was born on 30 June 1930, in Mecca. His life was a full and ground breaking one, of political, economic, social, cultural and scientific activities.

He studied law in the 1950s at Cairo University, then New York University, and Harvard University. In 1955 he received a Master's Degree in Comparative Jurisprudence; then, later on, a Doctorate from the University of Exeter.

In 1960, His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani assumed the position of Minister of State and Member of the Saudi Cabinet. Then he became the Saudi Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (1962-1986), and the first Secretary General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani was also the Founder and President of the Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation and its three centres: the Centre for the Study of Islamic Manuscripts, the Centre for the Encyclopaedia of Makkah and Madinah, and the Centre for Studies of the Objectives of Islamic Law.

He received throughout his career many awards and decorations, and was a member of many scientific societies around the world.

His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani left with us several books and studies, including “The House of Khadija Bint Khuwaylid (Radiyallahu Anha) in Makkah Al-Mukarramah - A Historical Study of Its Location, Building and Architecture”, and “Islam and Women”, which was translated into several languages. He also published dozens of articles in Arabic and English in various fields.


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Weight 0.057 kg
Dimensions 20 × 14 × 0.5 cm



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