The Maqasid Centre organises various regional and international events to encourage the study and research within the field of the philosophy of Islamic law and its objectives.
The events of the Centre include: conferences, symposia, training courses and lectures on Islamic manuscripts (see the navigation menu).
Most of these events are also documented and their proceedings are published.
The importance of Renewal of Islamic Thought and the Primary Means towards it
Purposes of Islamic Voluntary Work – A Comparative Study of Civility
Purposes of the Islamic Financial Law
Purposes and Reasoning in the Islamic Law
Purposes of Tacit Juridical Evidence
Universal Purposes of the Islamic Law and Exegesis Methodologies
Objectives of the Pilgrimage Rites
Relationship Between Purposes (Maqásid) and Fundamentals (Usul) of Islamic Law
The Role of the Purposes of Islamic Law in Contemporary Legislation
Studies in the Philosophy of Islamic Law; Theory and Applications