Editing Manuscripts on Literature & Language

By Various ContributorsEdited by Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation
SKU: 101046 Categories: , Date: 2016Language: ArabicEdition: 1ISBN: 9781905122707Format: eBook, HardbackNo. of Volumes: 1No. of Pages: 298Weight: 0.6kg


This book contains the proceedings of the 7th Conference on Editing Islamic Manuscripts titled “Editing Manuscripts on Literature and Language”. This conference was organised by the Centre for the Study of Islamic Manuscripts, at Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation, and convened at the Foundation’s headquarters in London on 25-26 November 2015.
Within the conference themes, the papers addressed: the methodology of critical edition of poetry manuscripts; critical edition of Andalusian poetry manuscripts; problems of critically editing language manuscripts; critical edition of Arabic language manuscripts: Ibn Dahān’s explanation of al-Luma‘ fī al-‘Arabiyyah by Ibn Jinnī as an example; methodologies of authoring and editing language manuscripts: books on horses as an example; Maghribī critical editions of manuscripts in rhetoric (al-balāghah) and criticism (al-naqd): al-Manza‘ al-Badī‘ as an example; and the Būlāq publications on language and literature: an approach to critical edition.
The conference secured the participation of around thirty highly qualified and expert delegates in the different disciplines from British and international higher education and heritage institutions. The lectures were presented by a group of leading scholars and critical editors from around the world. Their research and academic papers addressed the reality and aspirations of the manuscript editing movement in the area of literature and language.


فهرس المحتويات


تقديم معالي الشيخ أحمد زكي يماني

أنظارُ في مناهج تحقيقِ نصوص الشِّعر 

بشار عواد معروف

تحقيق مخطوطات الشعر الأندلسي

صلاح محمد جرار

مشكلات تحقيق المخطوطات اللغوية

علي حسين البواب

تحقيق مخطوطات اللغة العربية: شرح ابن دهان

لكتاب اللمع في العربية لابن جني أنموذجا

قاسم السامرائي

مناهج تأليف مخطوطات اللغة و تحقيقها: كتب الخيل أنموذجا

حسن أحمد العثمان

من تحقيقات المغاربة لمخطوطات البلاغة و النقد: ((المنزع البديع أنموذجا))

رضوان ابن شرقون

أثر الرعاية في منهجية تحقيق النصوص المترجمة في العصر العباسي

سمير الدروبي

مطبوعات بولاق اللغوية و الأدبية: مقاربة في التحقيق

أحمد شوقي بنين

تحقيق المخطوطات الأدبية و اللغوية: اتجاهات عملية ورؤية مستقبلية

محمود فهمي حجازي


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Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 4 cm
Book Editor

Edited by Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation




eBook, Hardback





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